For Civilian Employers

What makes S2IC different from other SkillBridge service providers?

S2IC is the first company to directly enroll each partner into the DoD SkillBridge Database, rather than operating as a third-party passthrough with its own SkillBridge program. This approach enables each partner to become an independent, SkillBridge-authorized organization with its own unique SkillBridge program.

Do you need to know all the roles and locations that you want to offer for SkillBridge to enroll in the SkillBridge Authorized Host Organization Database?

No, only a single role is required to submit an Organization application and begin the enrollment process. Once your organization is approved by SkillBridge, additional roles or locations can be added as needed. S2IC is here to help you scale your program effectively, ensuring you maximize its benefits.

How does a SkillBridge Internship vary from a traditional college/unpaid internship?

The term “internship” can be misleading for civilian employers exploring the SkillBridge Program. In a traditional internship, an individual gains experience at a workplace for a few months before moving on to complete their education or training elsewhere. In contrast, the SkillBridge Program serves as a low-cost, low-risk pathway to hiring. The primary objective of a SkillBridge internship is to transition seamlessly into full-time employment at the same organization where the internship took place.

During the SkillBridge period, servicemembers receive training, demonstrate their skills, and integrate into the organization, all while still on active duty. This arrangement allows employers to evaluate the candidate’s abilities and fit for the role without incurring salary or benefit costs during the internship. By the time an employment offer is extended, the employer has confidence in the candidate’s performance and potential, and the servicemember is already a fully integrated, operational team member.

What about Workers’ Compensation?

The Department of Defense covers all salary and benefits, including workers’ compensation, for the entire duration of the SkillBridge internship.

Can a SkillBridge intern’s travel expenses to training sites be covered by the Authorized Host Organization?

Yes, but only if these expenses are covered for all employees or interns, not exclusively for SkillBridge participants. According to the DoD, “The SkillBridge provider may subsidize or reimburse any or all subsistence, lodging, and travel costs from the home station to the program location, provided this support is offered equally to all similar training participants, regardless of military affiliation.” Special or preferential treatment for SkillBridge interns is not permitted.

What happens if it isn’t a great fit?

One of the key advantages of the SkillBridge program is its dual purpose: it provides servicemembers with real-world training and an opportunity to showcase their skills to a potential employer, while also serving as a “trial period” for both parties to evaluate the fit. While the goal is for the internship to transition into a full-time role, there is no obligation for either the host organization to extend an offer or the candidate to accept it if the match doesn’t work out. Regardless, the servicemember gains valuable civilian workplace experience to enhance their resume.

If a candidate’s performance is deemed unacceptable during the internship and the host organization decides to terminate the arrangement, they would simply notify S2IC. Since SkillBridge interns remain on active duty, they would be required to return to their military unit. S2IC would handle the coordination, communicating with both the servicemember and their military chain of command to ensure a smooth process.

For Servicemembers

Is there a cost for servicemembers?

No, there is never a fee for S2IC’s services for servicemembers.

If a servicemember enters the Interested Service Member database, are they obligated to use S2IC for SkillBridge?

No, there is no obligation to use S2IC for SkillBridge. S2IC’s purpose is to assist servicemembers in connecting with civilian employers. The database allows us to gather a comprehensive understanding of each servicemember’s experience, skills, goals, and timeline. Our goal is to match them with the best possible SkillBridge internship, facilitating a smooth and successful transition to civilian employment.